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Отворени приступ
Линкови за едукацију
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Отворени приступ: Линкови за едукацију
Open Access
Развој отвореног приступа
Електронски извори у отвореном приступу
Eлектронске тезе
Родоначелници отвореног приступа
Линкови за едукацију
Отворени приступ и научне области
Отворени приступ у Србији
Водичи за отворени приступ
•Adoption, use and management of open educational resources to enhance teaching and learning in Australia | Australian Learning and Teaching Council
Commonwealth of Learning's Basic Guide to OER
Overviews and General Guidance
Developing Guidelines on OER for UNESCO and COL (2011)
Taking the Open Educational Resources (OER) beyond - 2010
Cost-benefit Modelling - 2011
Resource Details
OPAL | Open Educational Quality Initiative
UNESCO - publication on open educational resources
Teacher Education Guidelines: Using Open and Distance Learning
Technical and Data Management considerations
Дефиниције образовних извора у отвореном приступу
Commonwealth of Learning - What are Open Educational Resources? (October 2006)
Commonwealth of Learning - What is WikiEducator? (October 2006)
Open Educational Resources infoKit / What are Open Educational Resources
What are Open Educational Resources (OERs)? | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
What is Open Education/Free for Education?
What is Open Education? The Open Education Revolution: Sharing Nicely’
Subject Guide
Sanja Antonić
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Универзитетска библиотека "Светозар Марковић" Булевар краља Александра 71, Београд, Србија